gener de 2023

Research Assistant on Bioprocesses for the development of viral vector production in bioreactors (PPCC-LENTI-UP_1)

LEITAT is looking for a Researcher with experience in biotechnology and/or bioengineering to carry out activities related to the development of bioprocesses in bioreactors to produce viral vectors. The contract will be within the framework of the “Optimization of the lentiviral vector manufacturing for the production CAR-T or other cell therapies” (LENTI-UP) project prioritized by …

Research Assistant on Bioprocesses for the development of viral vector production in bioreactors (PPCC-LENTI-UP_1) Llegeix més »

Research Assistant for validation of BP-EVs as a next-generation compound delivery platform (PPCC-EVBRAINTARGET)

The +Pec Proteomics Research Group (+PPRG) of the Institut d’Investigació Biomèdica de Lleida (IRBLleida), led by Dr. Gallart Palau and Dr. Serra, is looking for a postdoctoral researcher to work on the optimization and validation of a new drug delivery platform based on the use of extracellular vesicles, protected by European patent, for the targeted …

Research Assistant for validation of BP-EVs as a next-generation compound delivery platform (PPCC-EVBRAINTARGET) Llegeix més »

Research Assistant on Medical 3D printing and planning bioengineering (PPCC-3DSurgHELP)

Sant Joan de Déu Hospital (HSJD) is looking for a 3D printing and planning bioengineer to work on a project focused on the development of advanced solutions for the training and simulation of surgical skills for complex paediatric oncologic surgery cases. This advanced solution will be based on digital and physicial models using technologies such …

Research Assistant on Medical 3D printing and planning bioengineering (PPCC-3DSurgHELP) Llegeix més »

Research Assistant on the Generation of therapies and biomarkers for the treatment of mitochondrial dysfunction driven neurodegenerative diseases (PPCC-DRUG4-COXPD1_2)

IRB Complex Metabolic Diseases and Mitochondria research group is looking for a Researcher with sufficient experience in biomedical research in the area of mitochondrial function. The researcher will work primarily with cellular and murine models of disease, especially in preclinical studies. Experience in handling human cells in primary culture and immortalization techniques will be taken …

Research Assistant on the Generation of therapies and biomarkers for the treatment of mitochondrial dysfunction driven neurodegenerative diseases (PPCC-DRUG4-COXPD1_2) Llegeix més »

Research Assistant on Bioengineering for patient-derived organoids for personalized medicine in NAFLD (PPCC-B-Org_1)

IDIBAPS Liver Cell Plasticity and tissue repair research group is looking for a Research Assistant in Bioengineering that will lead the development of organoids as well as the generation of optimized biomaterials for their culture. In addition, he/she will be responsible for disease modeling and evaluation of organoid metabolism and drug response. The contract will …

Research Assistant on Bioengineering for patient-derived organoids for personalized medicine in NAFLD (PPCC-B-Org_1) Llegeix més »

Postdoctoral Researcher on Biomechanical Models (PPCC-BIOMOD)

Sarrià Chemical Institute (IQS) and the Sant Joan de Déu Hospital (HSJD) are looking for a Postdoctoral Researcher to work on a project studying how the different biomechanical parameters present in the upper jaw play an active role during the osseointegration of bone implants used in maxillofacial surgery for cleft lip and palate cases. The …

Postdoctoral Researcher on Biomechanical Models (PPCC-BIOMOD) Llegeix més »

Postdoctoral Researcher on the Development and implementation of integrated artificial intelligence models to predict the risk of Type 2 Diabetes (PPCC-IA4DT2)

The Computational Genomics group led by Dr. David Torrents (Barcelona Supercomputing Center, BSC) is looking for a Postdoctoral Researcher to be in charge of pushing a national project in collaboration with Institut d’Investigacions de Ciències per la Salut Germans Trias i Pujol (IGTP). The contract will be within the framework of the “Development and implementation …

Postdoctoral Researcher on the Development and implementation of integrated artificial intelligence models to predict the risk of Type 2 Diabetes (PPCC-IA4DT2) Llegeix més »

Entrevista a Valentín Ceña en la Tribuna de Albacete

El pasado 27 de diciembre se publicó en el periódico “La Tribuna de Albacete” una entrevista a Valentín Ceña, coordinador del Plan Complementario de Biotecnología Aplicada a la Salud en Castilla-La Mancha. En la entrevista el investigador da detalles del trabajo que llevan a cabo y del papel de Castilla-La Mancha dentro del macroproyecto de …

Entrevista a Valentín Ceña en la Tribuna de Albacete Llegeix més »

2023: arranca el año tecnológico de Cáceres

El pasado 02 de enero, El Periódico de Extremadura publicó una noticia sobre el desarrollo tecnológico en Cáceres, destacando proyectos punteros en energías renovables, datos, medicina de futuro y biotecnología afianzan su implantación. La noticia completa se puede leer en este enlace.