El proyecto MCSICAR, liderado por la Universidad de A Coruña (UDC) y en colaboración con el Instituto de Investigación Biomédica
This Plan has been co-financed by the Ministry of Science and Innovation with funds from the European Union NextGenerationEU (PRTR-C17.I1).
In recent years, relevant biotechnological and digital developments (artificial intelligence, supercomputing, robotics and sensor technology, bioengineering, or nanotechnology, among others) have been achieved that are enabling the generation and massive analysis of omic data related to health and disease. This is leading to a radical change in the tools for designing and producing new diagnostic, prognostic and therapeutic systems and devices.
The integration and adoption of these enabling technologies in the biotechnology and medical technology industry is where the great potential lies for achieving personalized or precision medicine that establishes, for each individual, tools for prevention according to their predisposition to certain diseases, systems for early diagnosis, and methods for choosing the therapeutic strategy that best suits each person in each circumstance.
However, only with an integrative approach that takes into account the great complexity of human pathologies will we be able to respond to the most important health challenges we face: cancer, diseases associated with the aging process, minority diseases and infectious diseases.
Increase knowledge of the effects of all possible variants in human and pathogen genomes, transcriptomes, proteomes.
To deepen the study of gene expression at the individual cellular level, essential to develop new advanced diagnostic and prognostic systems and to identify new therapeutic targets.
To develop new personalized and targeted therapies such as nanodrugs, as well as advanced surgical techniques through the development of preclinical disease models that exploit the potential of biomimetic systems and biomodels.
El proyecto MCSICAR, liderado por la Universidad de A Coruña (UDC) y en colaboración con el Instituto de Investigación Biomédica
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