Within the framework of the Plan Complementario, several technological platforms supporting R+D+I will be launched in the seven participating autonomous communities. These platforms will be accessible to research centers throughout Spain.

INNOPHARMA Drug Screening and Pharmacogenomics Platform
Basque Resource for Electron Microscopy (BREM)
Platform for High-Throughput Single-Cell Analysis
Drug Screening and Drug-Target Interaction Analysis Platform
In Vivo Experimentation Platform for Biomodels and Animal Models and application to New Drugs, Nanodrugs, and Reinforcement of Bioimprinting Technology
Transversal Platform for Advanced Therapies
Nanopharmaceuticals Research Unit
INNOPHARMA Drug Screening and Pharmacogenomics Platform
A high-capacity platform and a European benchmark in early drug discovery. Accredited as one of the seven high-capacity nodes of the European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC) EU-OPENSCREEN (Existing platform not funded by the Complementary Plan).
INNOPHARMA has a range of capabilities covering all stages of the early drug discovery process, from target identification to preliminary safety and toxicity evaluation. It stems from over 20 years of accumulated experience by the BioFarma group in continuous programs, testing hundreds of thousands of compounds, dozens of targets, and developing, automating, and implementing hundreds of assays in comprehensive early drug discovery cascades. This expertise has enabled seventeen New Chemical Entities (NCE) to reach clinical trials through Public-Private collaborations.
Contact person: innopharma@usc.es
Basque Country
Basque Resource for Electron Microscopy (BREM)
Open to any private or public entity developing research projects in areas related to biosciences, biomedicine, nanotechnology, and biomaterials. It features, among others, the most advanced cryo-electron microscope in Southern Europe, the Titan Krios G4, and a cryo-electron scanning microscope with a computerized ion abrasion system (FIB-SEM).
- Figuring out the structural bases of neurodegenerative diseases (such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s), various types of cancer, and metabolic disorders (such as hypercholesterolemia and diabetes)
- Developing drugs and new therapies against these diseases.
Contact person: brem@ehu.eus
Accesible since may 2022
Platform for High-Throughput Single-Cell Analysis
Located at the Center for Genomic Regulation (CRG), this platform addresses the needs for analyzing and separating complex phenotypic samples to understand many biological processes, as well as for subsequent sequencing of thousands of cells in each experiment. Additionally, it offers technologies in biophysics, tissue engineering, and biological activity monitoring to enhance support for early-stage drug discovery projects.
To this end, the flow cytometry unit has been enhanced with equipment allowing the use of new fluorochromes and the phenotypic detection of highly rare populations, facilitating research in immunology, hematology, oncology, among others. The genomics unit has also been strengthened with microfluidic equipment for sequencing thousands of cells, as well as the protein technology and tissue engineering units. Analyzing all cells in a biological sample will enable a detailed understanding of all cellular processes occurring in a tissue and generate new diagnostic and prognostic information, while also guiding pharmacological therapy to select the optimal treatment.
- Isolation of complex cell phenotypes with characterization of more than 20 parameters using imaging flow cytometry techniques.
- Sequencing thousands of cells at the single-cell level.
- Purification and characterization of protein compound stability under multiple conditions.
- Generation of new 3D tissue models and analysis of their physiological functionalities in real-time and/or in response to treatments.
- CCreation of new cell lines that mimic diseases using CRISPR technology at the single-cell level.
Contact person: Mònica Morales | Monica.morales@crg.eu
Accesible since april 2024
Drug Screening and Drug-Target Interaction Analysis Platform
Located at the Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona), this platform aims to provide experimental support for the early stages of drug discovery, accelerating projects within the scientific community through high-throughput screening and support for lead identification and drug candidate phases.
The platform, created in 2021, was strengthened in 2023 with new equipment, compound collections, and qualified personnel thanks to the Complementary Health Plans. Additionally, the platform enables access for the scientific community through the ScreenTech call.
The platform comprises a collection of approximately 164,000 compounds and two automated laboratories equipped with state-of-the-art technology, allowing the screening of all molecules in biological assays, as well as the management of the chemical entity collection.
• Optimization of biochemical and cellular assays in a 384-well plate format.
• High-throughput screening of molecules (160K compounds).
•Support for medicinal chemistry programs leading to the generation of leads and candidates.
• Providing collaborative and open support for translational projects that result in new therapies.
Contact person: Israel Ramos | israel.ramos@irbbarcelona.org | drugsp@irbbarcelona.org
Accesible since november 2023
In Vivo Experimentation Platform for Biomodels and Animal Models (VHIR node) and application to New Drugs, Nanodrugs, and Reinforcement of Bioimprinting Technology (IBEC node)
This platform consists of two nodes:
1. VHIR Node: Preclinical Imaging Platform (PIP)
Located at the animal facility of the Vall d’Hebron Research Institute (VHIR), this node is equipped with two imaging systems: a microCT (preclinical ultrasound) and a microPET, specifically designed for research with laboratory animals.
The platform includes various pieces of equipment: IVIS Spectrum and SPECT (funded by the Plan), IVIS Lumina, Prospect 1 ultrasound, Quantum FX CT scanner, and SuperArgus PET/CT.
The diverse range of equipment at the PIP allows service provision to numerous animal models, including oncology, infectious diseases, neurology, degenerative diseases, traumatology, general surgery, biomaterials development, nanoparticle development, neurodegenerative diseases, animal model phenotyping, developmental diseases, urinary/renal diseases, cardiology and cardiovascular diseases, musculoskeletal diseases, obstetrics, metabolic diseases, vascular pathologies, and more.
Contact person: Angélica Salas | angelica.salas@vhir.org | angelicasalas@vhio.net | pip@vhio.net
Accesible partially since april 2024
2. IBEC Node: Bioimaging and 3D Printing Reinforcement
Located at the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC), this node is equipped with various instruments aimed at providing services for in vivo experimentation for biomodels and animal models, studying new drugs and nanodrugs, and reinforcing 3D printing.
Scientific and Technical Equipment Available:
- 3T preclinical nuclear magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) equipment for non-invasive and non-destructive in vivo and real-time studies in small animals.
- System combining ultrasound and photoacoustic imaging for precision medicine studies in neural applications, brain imaging, and evaluating the effects of new drugs in animals and in vitro studies.
- High-resolution biofabrication system for obtaining biological models of organs and diseases, and materials that recreate the cellular and tissue microenvironment.
- In vitro electrophysiological measurement equipment using MEA for analyzing cellular activity with non-invasive electrical measurements.
- Brillouin microscopy for the local and non-invasive characterization and validation of 3D organoid models.
Contact person: Isabel Oliveira | corefacilities@ibecbarcelona.eu
Accesible since june 2023
Transversal Platform for Advanced Therapies
This platform supports the preclinical GMP production of viral products for gene and cell therapy. It features a controlled production environment capable of producing batches in closed-loop bags with lentiviral particles. The platform includes validation and quantification methods for these particles to meet clinical trial specifications. Additionally, it provides comprehensive technical support for the development of clinical trials involving viral particles for “ex-vivo” use.
Main Equipment: Bioreactors for viral vector production, microscopy equipment, viral and vesicle particle analyzer.
- Development of production processes for new biological products such as viral vectors and plasmids.
- Transfer of production methods to GMP production phase.
- GMP production for clinical research using pre-validated processes like viral vectors and plasmids.
- Documentation support for regulatory purposes (IMPD).
Contact person: Dr. Manel Juan | mjuan@clinic.cat
Accesible from julio 2024
Nanopharmaceuticals Research Unit (University of Castilla-La Mancha)
The Nanopharmaceuticals Research Unit, associated with NEURODEATH, is located at the University of Castilla-La Mancha. This unit focuses on analyzing drug actions and identifying potential molecular targets for designing neuroprotective drugs.
Equipment Available: IVIS Spectrum, Quantum GX, and Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer (ICP-MS)
Contact person: Valentín Ceña | valentin.cena@uclm.es
Accesible since november 2022
The CCMIJU-TREAT platform, located at the Jesús Usón Minimally Invasive Surgery Centre (CCMIJU), specializes in preclinical studies and medical technology. It features state-of-the-art equipment including a 3T MRI, flow cytometer, electrophoresis equipment, materials characterization tools, biomechanical analysis systems, 3D printing and bio-printing equipment, and immersive digital technologies.
• Tissue engineering, biomaterials, and regenerative medicine: Used for personalized medical treatments.
• 3D printing applications: Generating training models and assisting in minimally invasive surgery using sustainable technologies and simulation techniques.
• Emerging digital technologies: Enhancing healthcare services through IoT, sensor systems, and artificial intelligence.
• Key immersive digital technologies: Including virtual reality, augmented reality, and mixed reality for developing innovative training tools and medical-surgical assistance.
Contact person: Francisco M. Sánchez Margallo | msanchez@ccmijesususon.com
Accesible partially since june 2023